Contact us

For a list of wildlife rehabilitators in your area, check the DEP website at Or call (860) 424-3011 weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The DEP emergency dispatch center is at (860) 424-3333 after hours and on weekends. The DEP list of rehabbers should be your first step to reporting injured or orphaned wildlife.

Please only use the following email or phone number to contact H.O.W.L. staff if you have difficulty reaching a rehabilitator or you wish to learn more about how you can benefit from H.O.W.L. We also welcome your questions and comments!

PLEASE NOTE: H.O.W.L. staff members are not able to care for coyotes.
[email protected] or call us at (860) 281-1294.